Thursday, September 18, 2014

Making Use of Small Spaces

If you have just downsized or simply love a minimalistic lifestyle, there are many advantages to your choice. One great benefit to living in a smaller space is that it is less expensive than a big house. This results in savings and keeps you on a budget. Perhaps you are saving for retirement or you want to get your credit in order. Whatever the reason, making smart use of small space will maximize the area that you have and make it an enjoyable home.
The key to maximizing your space is making use of every single square inch. It may sound harder than it actually is! Whether you are downsizing to a smaller home or a studio apartment, the following tips will help you to make use of all of your valuable space:
Invest in a Murphy bed
Not only are Murphy beds a wonderful way to free up lots of valuable floor space, they are incredibly cool! There are even custom-made Murphy beds to fit any space in your home. A Murphy bed on a loft? What could be better? Just don’t roll off when you’re sleeping!
Make use of room dividers
If you live in a studio apartment, you probably have one large room that doubles as a bedroom and living room. Room dividers work wonders to break up space into two smaller rooms. Plus, they are a great way to add some décor to your home.
Organize creatively
You can really liven up your small home by adding bookshelves. Even better are shelves that are built into the wall. You can transform any wall space into your very own person library by adding bookshelves, and it also aids in organization. Make use of closet space by adding shelves, and use areas like under the bed for other storage areas.
Double-duty furniture
It’s a smart idea to make use of furniture that serves more than one function. For instance, a sofa can be a bed for overnight guests, a dining room table could double as a desk, and a storage bin could also be used as a table. You could even move your desk into your closet if there’s ample room!
Choose simple designs
Your furniture and things like your bedroom sheets should be minimalistic. In other words, simple colors and furniture with spare lines can make a small space seem a lot bigger and roomier.